In this blog article, we will focus on the HTML content part of the Pega application, specifically on the dynamic layouts, which is one of the most commonly used layouts in the section configuration. Consider any application/website built over any programming language. The key building blocks on high level will be HTML + CSS + […]
UI Skin – Formats and Mixins in Pega
In this blog article, we will focus on the CSS styling part of the Pega application, especially on the component formats and mixins available in the skin rule. Consider any application/website built over any programming language. The key building blocks on a high level will be HTML + CSS + JavaScript – HTML is responsible […]
Debug and update CSS styles in Pega
In this blog article, we will debug UI screens using Browser developer tool and also understand how to customize the styles for the UI element. The article was created using earlier Pega 8 version! but the core concept remains the same! Use this blog article to learn the concepts and you can try the entire […]
Float concept in Pega UI
Floating in Pega is a concept, in which we float the components on one side or to the other side of the website. Update: The concept of float remains the same across different Pega versions. The screenshots in this blog article were reused from Pega 7 version, but the dynamic layout float configuration remains the […]