Parallel Processing Flow types in Pega – tutorial

In this blog article, we will have hands-on on configuring different parallel processing under case context.
It is mandatory to visit my previous blog article on parallel processing types and configurations.
We will be using the same use case.
Let’s straightaway start with testing the Split-Join part.
We are going to implement the below use case which we discussed in the previous blog article.

What are the pre-requisite to test split join?
1. We will use the Claims case – Approval process flow.
2. Create test operators – Workgroup Manager and Reporting manager.
3. My Workgroup manager is – WGAdmin, configured in my Operaror WorkGroup and Reporting Manager is Report MG configured in my operator form.

Two OOTB Approval flows – pxSingleApproval, pxCascadingApproval. We will configure these flows in the shapes.
Let us test the Split Join scenario.
Step 1: Open the Approval process flow. We need to replace the OOTB assignment shape with our Split Join shape.
Step 2: Include the Split Join Shape

Step 3: Double-click on the split join shape and open the properties panel.
Choose join condition – Any.

Add both the pxSingleApproval and pxCascadingApproval one by one.

As you can see the OOTB pxSingleApproval flow uses standard parameters. I used the right one.
You will find more details about the approval process in its dedicated articles 😊
I also configured the pxCascadingApproval as Reporting Structure.
Now we have configured a split join shape with two approval process flows. Submit and Save the flow.
Step 4: Create a new case and check the approval process flow.
You see the case is now waiting in the Approval stage.

You can also see the active parallel flows from the clipboard

Note the Case ID : C-1008.
Step 4: Login as OperationsManager and approve the case.

As soon as you approve, the case automatically moves to the next stage, because we configured it to be ‘Ány’ condition. This means only one of the approvers needs to approve to proceed further

Note: You can update the Join condition in Split Join shape to ‘All/Some’ to return to the primary flow based on the conditions. You can test those scenarios too.
Split for Each

What are the prerequisites to test this split for each?
1. We will use the Claims case – Approval process flow.
2. Create test operators – Workgroup Manager and Reporting Manager.
3. My Workgroup manager is – WGAdmin, configured in my Operaror WorkGroup and Reporting Manager is Report MG configured in my operator form

We will use the single approval flow – pxSingleApproval
4. Create a new work party rule.
We will use the Workparty created as part of the Claims request case.
I added both Reporting Manager and Workgroup manager as work party to the case.

Make sure when you create a new case pyWorkParty holds the manager details.

Now let’s test the Split for Each scenario
Step 1: Open the same approval flow we used. Replace the split-join shape with Split for Each shape.
Step 2: Double click on the split for each shape and open the properties panel.
Choose join condition – Any
Page property – pyWorkParty
Process flow – PartyApproval
PartyApproval is a standard approval flow. We can reuse it 🙂

I also used the When rule of ManagerRole to create approval only for the two roles as shown in the when conditions

Step 3: Save the flow and create a new case.
We have successfully routed to only 2 of the 3 work parties.

You can now test on your own. The approval will proceed only when both of the approval request got approved!
A totally independent parallel assignment is to be created for Verification WB.

What are the prerequisites to test SpinOff?
- We will use the claims case first step process.
- Create a new workbasket and map it to the workgroup.

3. Specify the work group as same as you have mentioned in operators.
4. Create a simple flow rule. In the assignment shape – specify the workbasket name.

Now we are ready to test.
Step 1: Open the process from the case designer.

Step 2: Add a sub process shape. Specify the flow rule. Don’t forget to check Spinoff flow.

Save the flow rule
Step 3: Create a new case.
You should see the case should resume, but the flow is spun off running parallel.

You can see the pure parallel processing. Two assignments from the primary flow and the sub process flow (workbasket). There are no such join conditions like split-for-each or split-join
Hope you understand the basics of these parallel processes in flow rule.