In this blog article, we will try to understand the in-and-out of Data pages configuration and usages. This article was created using Pega ’24 version. Before getting into data pages, let’s understand about memory, caching and clipboard pages. Let me start with a very simple example. Imagine you are a YouTube Chef 😊 You want […]
Declare Index in Pega – Understanding
In this blog article, we will talk about some basics on Declare Index rule. Think of why the rule is given such a name. We all might have come across the term Index. What is an Index? Take a text book, in the first page you will see an index. ‘What is the main purpose of it?’ […]
Declare Index rule – tutorial
In this post, we will learn how to create and configure a declare index in Pega. It is highly recommended to visit my other blog article on declare index rule Understanding. What are the different ways to create Declare index in Pega? From the previous blog article, we already know that we can create Index […]
Declare Expressions in Pega
In this blog article, we will see in detail about Pega declarative processing and one of the declarative rules – Declare expressions. Most of the screenshots were used from Pega Infinity ’24 version. Also reused a few screenshots from older versions to explain the core concepts. First let’s start with some basic introduction about declarative […]